
Looks like..

Letter from SH


I received a letter from a friend who I acquainted with 2 weeks ago, mentioned that I looked "HAPPY". Grinned, when I read the word. Did I hide in a perfect way or my face just disconnect with the brain I have? To bad that we haven't met lately, or I will ask you if I do seem that disassociate!

Hope it's not something being trained by the environment and I even don't know how to express a no tone feeling to people around me.  A friend called and asked what I think about her life existent recently. There's a cause for people find his/her drama. There's up and downs in every episode I take. sometimes it need a pause only there's no mark on the script, sometimes we would go some advice from friends around, it depends. Or sometimes I would just took a wrong suggestion, just like this time and torn my life in pieces.

Share you something great! I've keep on jogging more then 20mins everyday even though my weight still remained in the same scale. At least that's one thing I Keenp-on doing. And sometimes that keeps my day in a brighter way. How have you been? miss you when ever I have a hot latte in my hand. How's the ceremony? Is it going to be over or there's weeks left?

September, already! remembered that we are planing to gather someday in this month?! I'll wait till you finish those ceremonies.

I wrote something in the passed week, share with you. You wouldn't know how much I want to have a life as you are, free from the relationship. As you said, dreams are always more beautiful then how it works in real. People is always greedy to own a life that he can't have... as I am one of them.

Expectation of the emptiness


Take care, don't work too hard, you need rest!

Love SH

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